New Wave of Coronavirus: Alarming Situation in India

Shambaditya Goswami




The first week of April of this year is again forcing to recall the last year’s pandemic. It was January, 2020, when some patients were identified as COVID-19 positive, at February of last year it was confirmed for the human to human transmission in Wuhan. Lastly, in the march of March, 2020, WHO announced this spread of corona virus as pandemic (1). We have learnt a lot to protect ourselves from the pandemic like- wearing of mask, social distancing and use of sanitizer. Several articles have been published regarding the structure and mode of transmission of the virus. The pharmacology of different available drugs, WHO guidelines, home remedies and many more was the review topics of that current time. The effect of the corona virus on human organs was the prime interest. Psychological and behavioral signs of people of all classes at post corona era was the research topics (2-9). We were successful to control the spread of pandemic in 2020 (Table 1 and Graph 1)(10) and maybe we have neglected the practice of maintenance of hygienic condition in our daytoday life. The result was clearly in front of us.

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