Editorial Policy

Manuscripts submitted for potential publication in the Indian Journal of Health Care, Medical & Pharmacy Practice are expected to meet the following guidelines:

  1. It should not have been published elsewhere, submitted concurrently, or been accepted for publication elsewhere.
  2. Authors must identify one of them as the major correspondent with the Journal.
  3. Upon receipt, all manuscripts are quickly acknowledged.
  4. Initially, the editors review submissions for suitability. Those that lack originality, severe scientific or technical errors, or a compelling message are flatly rejected.
  5. Manuscripts deemed inappropriate for the journal's readership may also be rejected at this stage.
  6. Submissions that match the journal's criteria are peer reviewed by at least two experts chosen at the discretion of the editor. Authors may propose reviewers, although this is not required.
  7. Reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other during the double-blind review process.
  8. Editorial team members, based on reviewer feedback, make the final decision on manuscript acceptance.
  9. Authors are provided with reviewers' comments and may be asked to revise their manuscript accordingly.
  10. Accepted manuscripts undergo copy editing for grammar, punctuation, style, and format.
  11. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author for correction, with a three-day turnaround time.
  12. Corrections received after this period may not be accommodated.
  13. The entire process, from submission to final decision and proofing, is conducted online.
  14. Accepted articles are swiftly published online as 'Ahead of Print' to expedite dissemination of knowledge.